We are thrilled to announce a new class for parents. Over five sessions the course aims to provide valuable information and practical wisdom for parents as they navigate the journey of raising and guiding their children. The class will incorporate a combination of in-person seminars and group discussion, and at-home reading materials and videos.
Our primary objective is to equip parents at all stages with knowledge and skills that will not only inform their parenting approach but also boost their confidence in nurturing and guiding their children as disciples of Jesus. Although we recognize that there is no singular approach, we firmly hold the belief that Scripture and the wisdom accumulated through generations of parenting provide invaluable guidance to assist us.
How the Class Will Work
The class will begin on February 25th and will meet once per month for a total of five sessions. Each session will include a speaker addressing a set topic (see below), dinner, and time for Q&A and discussion.
The in-person sessions do not follow a specific order or depend on each other. If you miss one session or are not interested in a particular topic, you can still join the other sessions. You will receive an email to register for each session separately. By clicking to register below, you will be signing up for the upcoming session on April 21st.
The at-home reading and videos are strongly recommended but not required to participate in the class. We will provide a schedule of chapters and videos to watch between the in-person sessions, but it will not require a significant amount of your time. We will be reading Shepherding a Child’s Heart by Tedd Tripp and watching the accompanying video series. You will need to purchase these items on your own. We will also recommend additional resources for you to utilize on your own time. Click here to download the reading schedule.
Each session will be held on a Sunday evening from 4:00 PM-6:30 PM and we will provide childcare along with dinner for both kids and adults. The cost of each session is $20 per couple, which will help cover some of the expense for food. Additionally, families utilizing childcare will need to pay an additional $15 per session per family.* We do not want cost to be an issue so please let us know if it will prohibit you from participating.
The dates and topics for the in-person sessions are as follows:
- February 25th – An Introduction to a Biblical and Psychological Approach to Parenting (For Any Life Stage)
- March 24th – Understanding Your Child’s Developing Brain
- April 21 – Discipleship and Spiritual Formation in the Home
- May 5th – Discipline
- June 2nd – Parent Panel
If you have any questions, please reach out to me: [email protected]
We hope you will join us!
Click here to register for the next session on April 21st
*You will register for each session separately so that you can decide whether you require childcare services without the need to commit or pay in advance for all five sessions. This also allows us to accurately estimate attendance at each session and ensure we staff our childcare rooms adequately and order an appropriate amount of food.