Children of Grace

Our Mission

Provide context for the Children of Grace to know, love and worship God, and be transformed by the power of His Spirit.

^^Click image to have your 4th or 5th Grader apply for this program^^

We always need volunteers for Sundays! Watch below to learn more:

Monthly Memory Verse

Every Month, your child will work on a new memory verse that connects to what they are studying in Sunday School.  Once your child knows their verse, encourage them to recite it to their teachers.

Jan – John 3:16
Feb – Matthew 5:7-8

***We were inspired by an existing memory verse technique and decided we would DIY it (this gives us the option to use our planned verses, it is more cost effective and allows our kids to get a chance to design one of the verses). See the image above for this month’s design.

The idea is that having the first letter of each of the words of a verse to reference aids in memorization.

2024 VERSES:
Jan – Deuteronomy 6:5
Feb – Phillipians 2:3-4
Mar – Romans 12:12
Apr – Hebrews 12:1-2
May – Psalm 127:1
June – 1 John 1:9
July – Psalm 118:21
Aug – Psalm 107:1
September – Hebrews 11:1
October – Psalm 119:89-90
November – Psalm 139:1-2
December – Galatians 3:26-27

2023 VERSES:
January- Exodus 20:1-12
February- Exodus 20:13-21
March- Philippians 4:8
April – Romans 5:8
May – Hebrews 4:12
June – Psalm 91:1-2
July – Romans 1:16
Aug – John 15:12-13
Sept – Psalms 18:30
Oct – Psalm 103:8
Nov – Proverbs 2:6
Dec – Psalm 23:6

The Gospel Story – Weekly Bible Stories

Children from Toddlers to 3rd Grade will be embarking on a journey through the Old and New Testaments with a focus on Jesus all the way through. Our goal each week is to provide a context for children to interact with the Bible in a way that leads to new knowledge of God and transformation through truth and the power of the Spirit. (LSS = Long Story Short Devotional, OSN = Old Story New Devotional)

We provide a weekly recap sheet at Sunday Check-In so that you can be aware of what the kids are learning in class – it’s also a great way to start conversation with your kids after church.

Kids Worship!

Our kids get to participate in worship on a weekly basis as part of the Sunday Morning kids service. We try to select songs with biblical truths they can understand (and if they’re also fun, even better!).  While the below is not an extensive list, these are some songs that are in our regular rotation:

Everlasting God
Joyful Noise
Goodness of God
Great Big God
Great Are You Lord
Every Move
How Great is our God
Good Good Father
Lord I Lift Your Name on High
Every Move I Make
My God is So Big
10,000 reasons
Deep Cries Out

At-Home Devotional Book

Families can purchase the Long Story Short (Old Testament) and Old Story New (New Testament) Devotional books as a way to foster in-home discipleship. Click on the title to be linked to Amazon.

Each week, there are 5 days of devotionals that correspond with the Sunday lesson. The corresponding page number for the devotional can be found in The Gospel Story section above (LSS: Long Story Short, OSN: Old Story New).

Additionally, if your young children participate in any of the midweek programs, they will also be using this book as the basis of their daily lessons with some additional activities added.

Foundation Worldview

Children in 4th and 5th Grade are currently working through the Foundation Worldview Studying the Bible Curriculum. Over the course of 30 weeks the kids will learn skills to help them read and study the Bible well. Our hope is for the kids to gain perspective on the overarching story of the Bible, and to gain confidence in their ability to read and study Scripture on their own. Ultimately, it is our conviction that reading Scripture is a vital part of our life with God so we hope to help the kids gain a love for the Bible. Click here to learn more about the curriculum.

Bring your Bible

Bring your Bible!  We want to teach our children the importance of the Bible at a young age.  So, we want to encourage them to bring their bible to church each week. Show our Sunday morning check in staff your bible, and receive a stamp (in the cover or on your child’s hand). Below is a list of age appropriate story Bibles that each class will utilize for teaching:

Toddlers – 2nd Grade: The Gospel Story Bible

3rd – 5th Grade: Any standard Bible

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments I give to you today are to be on your hearts. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the door frame of your houses and your gates.

Deuteronomy 6:5-9 

Stay in touch with us through…

1) Children of Grace emails – Emails are sent with ministry updates for curriculum, memory verses, mission opportunity, offering and events.  Click here to sign up! 

2) Weekly Recap – We provide weekly recaps of the lessons being taught in-class. We encourage each family to grab a copy at check-in and follow-up with your kids after class to continue the conversation at home.

3) Instagram – Follow us on @childrenofgrace_cm to see weekly lesson updates, offering and mission information, event info and fun pictures of our kids in action on Sundays!

Church Child Care is the name of our Thursday and Friday program (Summer: Tuesdays & Thursdays).   Our desire is to provide a little personal time for parents in the Grace community while your kids enjoy the love and care of our Midweek Childcare Team! This is childcare for infants and preschool-aged children, 0-TK. Each Thursday & Friday mornings is $20/child for childcare from 9am-12pm.  Unfortunately we are unable to transfer or refund fees for any Church Child Care which you miss for any reason. Please fill out the registration form for each individual child below, under the appropriate age category.  

{{sometimes the CCC links don’t work on this page when using a mobile device – you can also find the links on the Ladies of Grace page – we are in process of addressing the issue}}

Families of Grace Staff

Rob Johnson

Pastor of Families & Home Groups | ext. 16

Joy Young

Director of Children’s Ministry | ext. 17

Melissa Rivera

Childcare Coordinator | ext. 18