7/18/20 – In Today’s passage, we get a picture of the days after the festival and the controversy surrounding Jesus continuing to build. Jesus continues to display the hypocritical hearts of the Pharisees and religious leaders while in some ways forcing them to make a decision on whether they believe him or not. Their hearts are hard and they continue to grow in bitterness and look for ways to get rid of Jesus before he stirs up more among the people. Today’s passage begins with a story of a woman caught in an intimate relationship with someone other than her husband. Now if your looking at your bible you may notice a footnote at the bottom mentioning that this story was not found in any of the earliest manuscripts. That doesnt mean it didnt happen but there is some uncertainty of whether or not this was in the original writings of John. None the less, the story displays Jesus’ compassion for the broken and marginailezed and his gracious response provides an interesting framework for what Jesus came to do. To save sinners – not those trying to be righteous in their own strength. Take note of the consistency in Jesus claims about himself and how others respond around him.