7/24/20 – In Today’s reading, Jesus washes his disciples feet after a Passover meal, a traditional Jewish meal in remembrence of God freeing the Israelites from 400 years in Egyption slavery. To us, it may seem silly or even confusing of why Jesus would wash his disciples’ feet. But to 1st century Jew, this was an act usually reserved for household servants as it was laborious and probably pretty gross activity. For Jesus this was a genuine act of love and the perfect example of the posture followers of Jesus are to have towards one another. One of self-sacrificial service. Jesus uses this opportunity to point out his ultimate act of love on the cross that at this time was only a day or so away. We also see Jesus in distress over his knowledge of one of his close followers, Judas, betraying him. Its important to note that there is some disagreement over what it means that devil entered Judas at the dinner table, but at the very least – it is clear that spiritual forces of Evil are at work in Judas’ heart, influencing his heart towards greed and betrayal. Jesus is heart broken for him, but unphased by his ultimate plan that will not be stopped by any forces of evil or sinful act. Jesus will accomplish what he came to do.