Axios is a small group discipleship ministry inspired by the Apostle Paul’s words in Ephesians 4:1, “Therefore I, a prisoner for serving the Lord, beg you to lead a life worthy of your calling, for you have been called by God.” Axios provides biblical studies for men to independently invest in during the week and then gather in small groups each week to discuss what we’ve learned and provide support and encouragement to one another as we seek to be faithful followers of Christ.
This year we will be exploring the “wisdom literature” in scripture: Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Job. Three books that reveal the collective wisdom of generations of godly people and invite us to consider the complexity and simplicity of living wisely.
Abide is our largest Ladies’ Bible Study and is open to women of all ages and stages. We meet on Wednesdays from 9:15-11:30 am. Our time together includes fellowship, teaching, small group discussion & connection. This fall we will be studying the attributes of God in the Psalms. Abide begins on Wednesday, September 9th.
Abide@Night is open to women of all ages and stages. We meet on Tuesday evenings from 6-8 pm. Our evenings include a time of fellowship, video teaching, along with group discussion & connection. This fall we will be studying the attributes of God in the Psalms. Abide@Night is scheduled to begin on Tuesday, September 15th.
Abide Virtual
Abide Virtual will be new this year and open to women of all ages and stages who would like to participate virtually in Abide. Participants will be able to watch the Abide teaching video and then participate in a ZOOM-based small group that will include fellowship, prayer, discussion, connection, and more. The times of the Small Group meetings will be determined based on the availability of participants. Abide Virtual is scheduled to begin the week of September 14th.
Evenings in the Psalms
Since our Blessing Ministry will be on hiatus, we will be providing an alternative ministry for Moms of Young Children called Evenings in the Psalms It will be the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month. Our evenings will be from 7-9 pm and include fellowship, meditation & reflection in the Psalms, and life-to-life discipleship. Blessing Mentor Moms will be leading small group discussion.
We are excited to start Sunday Night Youth Services @ 7:00p on the church patio for JH/HS starting September 13th. This will be a valuable time of biblical teaching, worship and fellowship. We encourage you to make it a priority each week! We will provide podcast recordings of the weekly teaching.
We will also be doing in-person Small Groups starting Wednesday, September 16th.